It's time to set up your app !
GOOGLE_adUnitID = @"Ad_ID"
GOOGLE_ID = @"Account_ID"
Google_ad_banner_ID = @"ID"
FACEBOOK_ID_Interstitial = @"ID"
Use the "NO ADS" Bundle
BOOL InAppPurchase = YES;
Don't forget to change #define kRemoveAdsProductIdentifier @"com.endato.radiomyme.adsremover" in Settings.h
BOOL InAppPurchase = NO;
BOOL *const Allow_Search = NO;
BOOL *const Allow_Search = YES;
Go in Other Sources -> info.plist -> UIApplicationShortcutItems
Delete all the Items
Go in Other Sources -> info.plist -> UIApplicationShortcutItems -> Item 0
UIApplicationShortcutItemTitle = Name of QuickAction
(no need to modify the rest of it)
In Settings.m
Station_Name1 = name of station
Station_Sub1 = station moto
NStation_Logo1 = station logo url
Station_Stream1 = station stream url
Station_Facebook1 = Facebook ID
Station_Twitter1 = Twitter ID
In Images
Modify the QuickAction logos
Player_Title = Title displayed at the top of the player
Station_Title = Default artist name displayed if there is no information available
Station_Subtitle = Default title displayed if there is no information available
Use Last_Fm to find the albums
Use_Last_Fm = YES;
Facebook_URL = Your Default Facebook Account ID, will be used in the Player Page
Twitter_URL = Your Default Twitter Account, will be used in the Player Page
Music_URL = Your Default Music Icon URL, will be used in the Player Page
Open in iTunes/Apple Music the current song
Open_Music = YES;
Default_URL = Default URL of share button in Player View
If the user push Share in the Player section, the image will be the logo of the station. If NO is selected, it will be the current Album Image.
Share_with_station_logo = NO;
Activate the Volume slider when ads are removed (In App Purchase) or Ads disable
Activate_Volume_Slider = YES;
Radio Name = Main title displayed
Stream URL (leave the one that you are not using as null)
- Radio Stream URL : m3u, ACC, mp3...- Radio Stream M3U8 : m3u8 only
Background Image = Image on the back of the station
Radio Logo = Logo of the radio (use high quality logo because it will be used in the Player section)
Radio Subtitle = Small text under the station name
Facebook ID = to get your facebook id
Twitter ID = Twitter User Name
Go under Other Sources -> Main Window -> MainWindow.xib
My Tab Bar Controller -> Settings
Go under Other Sources -> Main Window -> Launch Screen.storyboard
Modify LaunchScreen.png
Go under Radio Play Core -> Xibs -> CustomTableCell.xib
Go under Radio Play Core -> Xibs -> PlayerViewController.xib